Pikes Peak

Pikes Peak

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fall ride to top of Wisconsin, Little Sand Bay

September 16, 2012 I left St.Paul at 7:30 am, my friend Doug left Ironwood Michigan at 8:00. we met in the middle in Hayward  WI, @ the Norske Nook for breakfast. After a few good cups of coffee and goodies, we synced our Sena SMH-10 Bluetooth headsets and we were off.
 (http://www.senabluetooth.com/ & http://www.senabluetooth.com/products/acc_SMH-A0303.php).
 I've been using my Sena all summer since getting it to listen to Pandora radio and get phone calls, but this was my 1st experience with another friend using them as two way, "walkie talkie" communicators. Well, let me tell you, they worked great! We talked for an hour while riding 55-75 mph and it was better as if we were talking, face to face! We both use ER-6I earbuds connected to the Sena units instead of the small helmet speakers that come stock with the Sena's.
We rode our bikes up to Little Sand Bay, a beautiful spot along the southern shore of Lake Superior and took these pictures of us in front of the protected harbor.  

It was a great, day of riding all over northern Wisconsin, temps in the low 70's and low humidity.  We split up near Ashland WI, and I rode back roads all the way home. 475 miles, 11 hours start to finish. One of my favorite rides of 2012.

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